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13 November 2013

Shawl Scrumbles and Celtic Knot Quilt

Update on the Shawl - I only have the loose ends to weave in, and then I can call it finished.

...and here are some closer pics of the latest additions to it

The fluffy 'orange' yarn isn't really that orange. It's much paler IRL.

So, while I was nearing the end of the shawl, I was planning my next project.
UFO's have been piling up over the years, and I have had a search through my cupboards (while packing) and have re-discovered a Celtic Knot Quilt that I started about 10 or 12 yrs ago.
I had got as far as designing and appliqueing the yellow frame and had all that stitched down. The purple Knot fabric is my own hand dyed fabric, bias cut, and about a 6 inch portion stitched in place.
This week I have finished stitching the rest of the Celtic Knot in place.
I'm not sure what comes next now though. I had originally planned on dimensional flowers appliqued onto, and around, the yellow frame...... but now I think I need to stay with the Celtic designs around this quilt.

It has been another enjoyable week.

Happy Stitching

1 comment:

  1. I am always happy to see a post from you about your shawl and am always (!) struck dumb by the whole thing. It's definitely a work of art! Every time I look I see something new to ooh and aaah over. I like the colours you used with the celtic quilt. I started once many years ago and finally decided that I truly hated the colours I was using and put it into the next yard sale. Always have meant to start another one.
